
Sat night cruise to Brighton le sands

this Saturday night we have a cruise, you should all be there due to no
driving happening on Tuesday but bowling was still fun. Thanks to all who
came along in the rain on Tuesday night. On Saturday we are meeting at
Brookvale macas at seven pm. we will be cruising to Brighton Le sands.
hopefully we will be able to get more footage for the DVD then as well.
see you all there.


next sats event

next saturday night is a club event. we currently have two options one is
going to see Manly play the bulldogs at homebush in round 5 of the nrl and
the other is put put golf. wich is always good fun with a bit of piss in
you. let me know what you would prefer by wednesday. im making the
descion on wednesday. topic is also in the forum if you wish to discuss it


Friday aprial 6th official cruise

friday april 6th is an official club cruise. it was supposed to be on sat
but adney is getting married on sat. anyway meet at brookvale macas at
8pm. going to la paruse. allow $3.00 for tolls. bring some donation cash
for the club if you can spare it too.


new website up soon

just to let you all know that alot of work has gone into the new site and
it is due to be released in the next two weeks. you don't need to worry
the site location stays the same so the web address remains the same. the
new site is like myspace. you control your own page so the info on you and
your car is set up by you. the other aspects to it is that you ass members
can update the photo archives with your own pics in a usser gallery
section and you can also post important messages onto the home page blog.
so its all new and great.


Sat night is the scavanger hunt

ok guys and gals.
saturday night is an official event and we are hosting a scavanger hunt. i
know the concept sounds chezzy however we have added a fun spin to the
event. we ask that you take a risk and come along to see how much fun it
will be.come as a driver or as a bozzed up passanger and see what mayhem
we can cause across sydney in a night.

reminder tuesday night drive will still be on tomorrow however dannie may
not be there. his car won't be as he does not have it back yet. if dannie
is not there. mark will run it.


next tuesday night

next tuesday night we are planning on heading into the city to attend star
city restruant to celibrate meny of our club members birthdays. this will
cost you about thirty dollars a head if you wish to join us but maybe
allow for a little bit more. those under 18 should be allowed in but we
are not 100% sure yet. we will be leaving brookvale at seven thirty sharp.
don't be late.


promo/recruitment DVD

hi, all my lovely minions. you would have noticed all the filming we have
been doing over the past four months. well we are planning on making a
feature length dvd however this will take ages. for now we have produced a
three min dvd to promote the club and hopefully recruit some new members
as a direct result. this dvd is for you for free as long as you show all
your car mates and ask them to join. order it on the forum in the club
products section or text dannie for one. we will continue to film over the
next six months or so and one day release the feature length dvd.

also remind you all that power cruise is on this weekend. and someof our
members are competing in this event. get along to it and show them your
support if you can.